Part 40: Mere Distance...

: Mae is going to level the hell up on her next Rite.

: Its hard to see because his big ol head is in the way, but Volfred made it to his third level up with this Rite. Hes getting his first third-level perk!

: Okay, so, Volfreds available perks are

: Im taking Miracle Kindling.

: Thats a whole fifty extra Pyrepoints, just for Volfred existing. This isnt a contest. I didnt even look at the other perks.

: Thats one less mouth to feed.

: Safe travels to you,
Sir Gilman. The rest of us await the day of our reunion on the other side.

: You succeeded in liberating Sir Gilman, who returned to the Commonwealth in glory.

: We have but a few such Liberation Rites remaining. Exactly how many, I do not wish to speculate about, as yet, until such time as we can better say for certain. Under no circumstances would I suggest this is ideal. However
it is opportunity enough that our
Plan may, as yet, succeed.

: Volfred trails off, and falls silent. Some of the others exchange looks. They are beginning to understand. With the Rites soon ending, everything which Volfred has sought, both on his own for many years, and now with all of you
all of it may have been in vain. The hush spreads to the others

but not to you. You then proceed to do something that none of them seem to expect
. You raise your voice.

: Each of your fellow exiles turns to you, their expressions asking you a question with no easy answer: What are we going to do
? As you meet Maes gaze, the words for the occasion begin to crystallize in your mind.
Music: Surviving Exile

: I had been dreading this part of the LP since the very beginning, because I had no idea how I was going to handle it.

: This is the first, and only, time that our character, known only as Reader, gets to talk. So, of course he makes an entire speech thats, like, a page long. But its
you speaking, and this is
Pyre were playing, so of course its over-achieved.

: In the previous screenshot, in that one panel, there are two halves of the sentence that we can adjust in order to create a completely different sentence. This first window doesnt count, and serves as a tutorial for how the game wants us to handle the next couple of dialogue options.

: We can interact with both halves in order to change our message, and once were okay with what weve put down as our message, we can press the little red stamp on the bottom to confirm and lock it in (not currently shown). For example:

: Changing the first section of a sentence will drastically change the options that are available to us for the remainder of the dialogue window, because context is a fickle thing. The default sentence in the first for-real dialogue box is what you see up there, but if I change the first half of the sentence the You tell that that you all have stood together bit then the second half changes because the context is different, even though I didnt select it.

: This screenshot is the same dialogue box, but because Im leading with a different idea, the entire thing has warped into something else.

: The following is all the options that are selectable from this first dialogue box. The
first one.
You tell them that you all have stood together time after time throughout this quest,
and are now poised to seize upon a glorious opportunity.
and think only a hollow fool would turn back now.
You tell them that you are not going to mince words with anyone here,
because by now each of you knows each other well.
as that would be a grave disservice to the group.
You tell them that you all have struggled to have come this far across the Downside,
through many challenges which you have faced.
only to reach this low point in your journey.

: And this is only the first dialogue option. Theres an entire speech still left to go, and some dialogue boxes have three sections to go through. Its very in-depth.

: The reason I was dreading this part of the LP is because I have no idea how to handle it in a let us play fashion. Do I hold a vote? Is it down to the best sounding sequence wins? Am I really going to have to write out every single option for the entire speech?

: In the end, though, I wasnt expecting this to come up as quickly as it did, and I decided on the spot to just do it myself. Its kind of a disservice as a Lets Play, but nuts to me if Im going to transcribe every single option and then hope the thread has the patience to transcribe the parts they like best.

: So, Im going to just list the parts I accepted as part of my speech. Please forgive me.

: Your path to freedom is laid bare before you all. True freedom is not waiting for you in the Commonwealth.

: Meanwhile, the stars themselves are shining on for you. They would spur you on to greater feats. Glory awaits if you can persevere, together.

: You all stand poised to ensure the world you leave behind for your loved ones
for your people
is a world worth living in.

: If you can believe any of this
then believe, above all, in each other. Trust that you may yet prevail, together.

: Thus, do you remain together with your thoughts. No one speaks for a time, but then

: Thou wouldst dare to change this ancient world, Reading-One
and yet, thy words are tinged with certain truths.

: (Tizo vows to stand with you, no matter where your quest shall lead.)

: May long the stars remain alight for you, Reader sir.

: All the while, Volfred remains watching you intently. Then, his expression softens, and he smiles.

: I chose that line because it was one of the last things Sir Gilman said to us. Thought it was appropriate.

: Lead us, then, Reader
to the end of our quest, and the dawn of the new age for all our kin.

: Everyone responds in kind. They stand with you, no matter what. They await the outcome of your vision of the stars, which burn with renewed fury, because now, the last Rites beckon.

: Welcome to the endgame.

: The stars of the Eight Scribes
they shine together, now, as one.

: The Lone Minstrel draws breath, as though surprised by what he sees. He backs away and averts his eyes. This is another sign the Rites are soon to cease. Few chances yet remain to confront the adversaries you have met during your journey.

: Okay! So, going by what were seeing here, every single one of our opponents is available to play against, save for the triumvirate thats in last place which is Dalbert and the Fate.


: We have two Rites to play before our next Liberation, and we still dont know how many are left, although its safe to say that the answer is not many.

: So, lets go to it. Who would we like to play against this time? We have the whole buffet open to us for now.

: Do we play against
Udmildhe and the Withdrawn, ranked second, at the
Nest of Triesta? Do we play against
Barker and the Dissidents, ranked third, at the
Ridge of Gol? Do we play against
Lendel and the Accusers, ranked fourth, at the
Glade of Lu? Do we play against
Sir Deluge and the Pyrehearts, ranked fifth, at the
Pit of Milithe? Do we play against
Manley and the Chastity, ranked sixth, at the
Isle of Khaylmer? Do we play against
Ignarius and the Tempers, ranked seventh, at the
Cairn of Haub? Or do we play against
Tamitha and the Essence, ranked eigth, at the
Hulk of Ores?

: Im heading away from my computer for another weekend, so Ill extend this vote to last
48 hours. We have a lot of options available to us choose wisely!